Sunday, 2 November 2008

X Factor Finalists - Hero

I dislike this on a number of levels. But mostly as it's a terrible song.

I haven't heard it knowingly, even though I do watch the whole of Krypton Factor 2008.
I seem to enter a state of calm and drift off while my inner rage seems to be locked away temporarily. Simon Cowell lulls you into a false sense of security. imparting an almost Marks & Spencer feel to the whole thing, like we can expect real quality as everyone is improving. Everything is fine, have a mini quiche.

5 Mins towards the end and te trace is wearing off. Rage builds and I can feel the knot in my back twitch awake in the knowledge that everything on the screen is awful. A mockery of a sham, fallacy. It finishes and I have nowhere to vent my rage.

I am a sad man :(

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