Monday, 11 August 2008



15 years ago, maybe more, a genre came into being.
It didn't take itself too seriously, the msuic was new (ish) and made lots of people dance and have a good time.

As the years went on this genre continued but also declined a bit in popularity. There are strongholds throughout the county that always burn a flame for this. I believe they are just on the outskirts of London and in some small towns accross Wales Scotland and N Ireland.

So as is usual a resurgence happens and it gets in the charts, we can do the running man again, perhaps feed the chicken's?

No. No we fucking well can not.

I have seen these 'people' in these 'towns'. They chased me out of their town in their low rider saxo's, i tried to tell them I had no musical agenda and was only showing them the 'size of my box' out of respect.

Do not attempt to dance in Irony in front of enthusiasts of this type of music, they don't regard it as music, just some kind of aural piss that marks territory.

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