Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Usher Ft Young Jeezy - Love In This Club

I've actually heard this one. It bring's a whole new level to what shite can be.
So the lyrics are all about banging in a club....
Usher must've felt that Chuck Berry songs were to subtle and funny so he had a bash.

I've been co-wrting with Usher and his people and have come up with some more sexy subtleness...

I have a massive wang
It's your kind of thang
shove it in your butt
and I'll say oh what

are you doing to me
it makes me want to pee
on your mother
or your brother

I think it's fresh...

Flo Rida Ft T-Pain: Low

I haven't heard this but I can guarantee it's shit.

Flo Rida posted similar comments about my music doncha know (erm).

When I hear it I'll post more.

Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Can anyone tell me the reason behind Eric Clapton?

Anyone, anyone?

I fail to see the appeal.

Even when he was a nipper he seemed like a twat.
I read that he got on heroin just to go through a really awful experience, so that he could really feel his music.

Why? it's still shit.

No views

So, i post into nothingness.

Certainly at the moment I do.

I wonder if anyone will view this page apprt from me.

I've done sod all bigging up of it and am not about to.

I learnt my leason with myspace, unless you have a shitload of spare time myspace is a tough bastard to crack. I just can't be friends with any old person, It seems silly to have thosands of friends and get like 3 plays a day. I bet most friends could not give a toss.

Mind you I'm probably missing the point entirely, i bet if i was 14 i'd get it.

To me it's just a time filler.

If anyone reads this and can be arsed replying, i'd be most interested in others opinions.


Neil Diamond

Have you seen Neil Diamond and Steven Seagal in the same room together?

Apparently Neil Diamond is Mike D from the Beastie Boys dad.

Flava flav's Dad is non other than George Forman, why do you think he's called Flava?!

BEN'S BROTHER - Stuttering (Kiss Me Again you arsehole)

Fuck me, if this isn't a massive steaming turd of a song.

I want to stab the band with a wooden spoon, in the eye.

It sounds like it was made in the eighties, no bad thing, or is it considering we live in 2008.

I think it's the use of the stutter that does it for me though. if i want to get wound up I just think of this and feel full of venom. Somtimes though, when I am tired, it just sucks my will to live.

What executive thought that this was a good song? None, no executive did, they just thought, thats catchy and could make some wonga, as it's dead like Split Enz.


Forces against music

Well, here's another one

Sandi Thom

Psuedo folk rock pish.

I mean really, who listens to this crap?

I know! Cospses, they love it. Actually, thats insulting corpses. More like Jeffrey Archer, or people that read The Star.

Mind you, she's only young......

Musical Bastard's

I can't stand Amy Mcdonald, i was listening to a show on radio 2 where they took one of her songs and re did it in the style of a classic arranger. All she could say was, it sounds funny.

It was a great latin style arrangment that made her dull as fuck tune actually interesting.

Her songs are so so bland.

Mind you, she's only young.